7 Ways to Stay Motivated

DuEwa Frazier
4 min readNov 19, 2020
Photo: Andrea Piacquadio

2020 has been exhausting, to say the least. The current state of society, pandemic, politics, and social justice issues have made this year one of the most difficult to deal with. We lived through a halt in our routine with the start of the pandemic. We lived through a stressful election season. We also lived through an economy that depressed and then slowly climbed uphill again. You may have faced other hardships and personal issues that made 2020 feel unbearable thus far. The good thing is 2021 is just less than two months away. But rather than complain and tweet endlessly about how raggedy 2020 is, how about looking forward to something new? Each new day is a chance to have a different thought and do a new thing. Here are my tips to stay motivated as you look ahead to the New Year.

  1. Have faith. This is my top. My number one. If 2020 didn’t teach you anything else, it’s to rely on some kind of faith to get you through, because you cannot put your trust in the external. Who could foresee a pandemic and a continuing national crisis? The things that have occurred are enough to make anyone break down. Whether prayer, meditation, journaling, or nature walks — connecting to your source of faith and inspiration can improve your motivation.
  2. Belief. Number 1 leads me to number 2. What do you believe about yourself? Your life? Whatever you believe will be further backed up by your…

